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Writer's pictureCoach Moe

Jaiquetta's Story

I am at a loss for words for what Jaiquetta has done. she has been through ups and downs over the last year, but it is clear to see that she is winning. Read on to see her story.

When did you start your fitness journey?

I began my Consistent VIRTUAL fitness journey March of 2020. I initially began a “faulty off and on” fitness journey in 2018. Once the Pandemic came, I came back with a vengeance!

What motivated you to start?

I was actually motivated to start and be consistent because Of the Pandemic. I figured I’d have more time to put into myself. I was on an erratic roller coaster ride for years (perhaps a decade), “Chasing My Weight” as someone one told me. I’d gain and lose and that became a terrible habit!

What were your greatest frustrations before you started training with me?

My greatest frustration before starting to train with Coach Moe was the fact that I did not have enough time. However, I figured out that NOT making time for myself was an excuse!

What is your favorite result that you’ve experienced so far? Physically, my favorite result is how much my core has shrunk. Mentally, my favorite result is the fact that I am able to remain diligent and persistent, executing frequent workouts with Coach Moe’s platform. Mind over Matter!

Did you have any fears or apprehension before you started working with me?

Some of the apprehensions that I had prior to working out with Coach Moe were the fact that I had some ailments. I already knew that I had knee problems because they were aching all the time. I also had lower back issues because I am bottom heavy and my core was very weak. Since this was the case, I figured that I would not be able to do most of the exercises that Coach Moe had established. However, like Maury, “That was a Lie!” Coach Moe made doable modifications for me!

If someone is debating whether or not to work with me, what would you tell them?

If someone was debating whether or not to train with Coach Moe I would tell them that they should not be because he is dedicated to providing accommodations for you that will make you comfortable. Coach Moe is not just a trainer! He doesn’t stand there and TELL YOU what to do, he actually works out WITH YOU. Each person has a different goal, body, and mindset and astonishingly Coach Moe will be there with you each step of the way. When I have given up on myself he has NEVER given up on me. I will assure them that Coach Moe CARES from his random “blurted” texts, to his sudden Instant Messages as well as tag in posts, and his unexpected 10 second phone calls.

What is something you can do now that you weren’t able to do before you started?

Something that I could not do prior to my workout with Coach Moe was run efficiently. I also could not bend to tie my shoe comfortably without grunting. Another thing I could not do was stand up without thinking about it. Core exercises on the floor was another thing that I attempted and could not accomplish, along with leg lifts, which I still have some problems performing, but at least I can do them now. Whew! I Couldn’t stand floor work, but I don’t complain anymore, I make like NIKE and “Just Do It”

How would those close to you describe the difference they’ve seen in you?

I’m not sure how those close to me describe the difference, but they do often say that I’m amazing and they don’t know how I do it with four children and being an educator etc. etc. The other thing that I do know is that the difference must be pretty outstanding because now most of them have joined me in this journey and have tried coach Moe at least once. Some have started their own journeys and some have come in and out. Either way it’s been an optimistic outcome and I’m pleased.

What has surprised you most since you started?

What has surprised me the most is that I look at most things as a workout or exercise from cleaning the house to breathing! Also, if I do go a few days without exercising, my body craves it, as if it has a mind of its own. I really experienced this when I received results from an MRI that showed I had a torn meniscus in my knee. I was not able to work out and I really believe I had a small mental break down. The one thing that I can say is that Coach Moe called me daily and kept my spirits high assuring me that I would be back stronger than what I was when I left. He listened to my vents and sobs from my cries. I’m still a work in progress, However I am ecstatic about my one-year results and I look forward to moving on with Body by Moe!

What were your goals when you started; what are you still working to achieve?

This may seem unbelievable and senseless but I Never had a goal when I started. I just wanted to work out. I wasn’t even intentional on taking pictures for results. I started off posting silly exercise videos in ballet shoes and crazy outfits, LOL. One day I made a post from one month to the next and people started saying I was an inspiration to them. I LOVE HELPING OTHERS, so I kept posting for the audience to be encouraged not for myself. NOW, I’m just working to achieve a life to remain healthy. I would like to see myself in a size 12. Maybe 10, Haha!

What is your favorite thing about your workouts?

My favorite thing about every work out is that they are simple yet result-forming! The transformations are incredible as long as you do your part and that is showing up! That is what Coach used to tell me, “Just Show Up!”

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