Meet Sunday! She is doing a great job on her fitness journey. These pics show her last 2 month's results. Read her story as she tells it.
I started my fitness journey in 2016. I began to exercise because I had really put on lots of weight. My weight used to be very easy to drop, but after having my fourth and last child the weight was extremely hard to lose. I became too comfortable and before I knew it, I had gained over 50 pounds. When I first began my journey I just wanted to lose the weight. Now my goal is to be healthy overall. I want to eat healthy and live healthy. So far, my greatest accomplishments have been actually trimming my body down, starting to lose weight, and learning how to actually eat better.
My biggest struggles are junk food. I Love sweets, I Love to eat. I have learned that as much as I love sweets and to eat, I had to make some decisions if I wanted things to change. Either I wanted to stay where I was, which I was seeing no improvement or take a chance on me and my health and make better choices and give up what I thought I loved. I have learned that patience and consistency is key. I realized I didn’t put the weight on overnight I can’t expect it to fall off overnight. Some mornings I get up and I really don’t feel like getting out of my warm bed to work out. However, as soon as I think of my smaller clothing size and the way I feel after the workouts, it makes getting up in the morning that much easier (sometimes lol 😂).
My favorite thing about the workouts is the energy that I have after the fact. I’ve been without coffee for 3 weeks and believe it or not my workouts give me more than enough energy to push through my days. I usually do not become tired until around 10 pm. Also, I appreciate how in the workouts Coach Moe motivates his clients. He talks to us as if we’re there with him. There’s been days that I have had been “in a mood” and then he says something or several things that make me laugh. I appreciate not being on a set schedule with the online workouts. I can make my own time to work out and I’m doing it right in my home, safe and sound.